
Reviewing and reflecting on what has been done

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Being able to communicate and build arguments to defend your opinion are fundamental 21st century skills


Building arguments and standing your ground is essential for any person living among others. Being able to communicate and build arguments to defend your opinion are fundamental 21st century skills which need to be practiced in class. Communicating the results of an activity and explaining the procedure followed help students work on these exact skills as they find themselves in the position to present their work to others and justify the decisions they made during the process. Remember also that most students like taking credit and being rewarded for their work. Giving the opportunity to students to present their work is a kind of reward for them and it shows that you value their work.

Check the flip cards on the right to learn more!



PLATON is a two-year European project launched on September 2016. It aspires to provide teachers and school communities with a coherent teachers’ training framework which will update their current teaching practices. More particularly, PLATON aims to offer an open and innovative training framework to teachers of primary and secondary education which will focus on:

  • Promoting student-centred teaching approaches;
  • Promoting a holistic interdisciplinary approach;
  • Support the use of online educational tools;
  • Support the meaningful collaboration between teachers of the same school.



Largo Topázios 48,
2785, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 453 7440

Email: platon@nuclio.pt


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